Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Wish Book

As the result of many requests, we now have a Wish Book!
So if there's a gadget, gourmet snack or other kitchen toy you've been wishing for, come in and sign up so your loved ones (or even "liked ones") can get you exactly what you want.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Web 2.0?

Here I sit at a WEB2.0 seminar, trying to NOT be 52 years old!
OK, I understand that these 21st century communications modes are important, but the learning curve is killing me!
Thank goodness we were able to hire a very clever high school student (Thanks Tanner!) to set up our web site and send out our newsletters, but we know it won't be long before he graduates. So here we go....
Thanks for your patience while we learn!